Every week I come to the lake,
To talk and look at you as always,
But sometimes I feel you don't listen
And you have gone too far.
I remember the day we met,
You came to me like summer,
Bright and shining
Fresh and green as the summer garden.
The tiny pimples on your cheek
Said hello to me.
I remember how we connected,
And before we know,
We became inseparable,
Like a neatly solved jigsaw puzzle,
We solved each other.
Our friendship thrived through hard times,
And we survived most storms together,
Seeking shelter in each other's arms.
But never did I realise the mechanics of the mind,
Your mind worked in mysterious ways and whenever I tried to enter,
You shut the doors and sealed them.
You never reached out for help or a tissue,
But kept on amusing me with your buffoonery.
It was only when your cold body was taken out of the lake,
I realized you were more than a buffoon,
You danced with a heavy heart,
And I saw the bruises from dancing on your cold legs,
That laid still, facing the other side of the lake.
I regret not holding your hand,
I remember my promise of keeping you close,
We were like root and flower of the same plant,
Connected yet distant.
I regret letting you become the lady in the lake,
I hate talking to you without seeing your face.
But I promise I will thrive our friendship,
Assuring not to lose a friend again.
A. C
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