It's funny to think of people who disappear,
They disappear into nothingness
Without a warning
Without leaving a sign.
I wonder what ponders in their mind
During the moments before the disappearance.
They would think of coming back,
Maybe not.
Would they go with a proper plan
Or place or a specific medium
to travel?
They would probably go for minimalism,
For it would lessen the burden,
the burden of all worldly pleasures
The burden of all relationships.
Maybe they would survive,
The disappearance period.
Or they will disintegrate and
Dissolve into seasons.
Or they will be transported to another universe,
Where all seasons come together
And day and night
Come simultaneously.
They would experience a new sense of freedom,
Freedom from the monotonous life,
From the caricatures of commoners,
And the ties of restrictions,
From the questionable ways,
Inspiring thousands to disappear.
I desire to examine their wonderful minds,
Its design and architecture,
the procedure they follow towards the process,
It would be a marvelous piece of chaos
Of do's and don't's
Of priorities and secrets.
It's okay to disappear,
from everything that tires you,
From everywhere you no longer
belong to,
From every system, you no longer believe in,
It's not giving up,
It's giving others a chance to think,
Of what would have gone through
these people's minds
Of how you failed them,
Of what wrong you have done to them.
Disappearance is good.
A. C
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