I see General Madness cracking open,
He oozes out as a pulp from a laceration,
He flows down the streets to places and people unknown.
He would crawl up new landings
and conquers them like he did to mine years ago.
Some years back, he invaded my city of Head,
Which was on the verge of destruction by the civil war,
Between the groups of experiences and sorrows.
When General Madness came, the two creepy groups united,
made him their leader.
For years I carried a nuclear explosion in my head.
He was indifferent to the curves of my cursive letters,
And produced scribbles of a toddler,
sending out misinformation.
He conducted minor explosions,
assuring the solidarity of other
inmates of my Land.
But most times, Capt. Heart from the left quarters was a rebel,
He filed verbal and written complaints in vain.
He persuaded the Lady Mouth
to utter things unknown and uncouth.
She seemed an elegant lady outside,
with a smile, she was confident of,
Her son was Sir Gland who ran
a liquid factory,
which smelled differently every time to everyone.
Madness marked his territory and
self-proclaimed his dictatorship over my property.
The rebellion of the civilians went on for years,
People from outside joined the movement,
They didn't back off at minor explosions and threats.
Firmness and determination was evident in their faces,
to reclaim their houses,
to protect their rights,
to live freely.
After days of rebellion,
General madness started losing his manpower,
He saw its increase on the other side,
Unable to withstand, General began to withdraw,
Slowly and stealthily,
He left my landing one night.
But I saw him leaving,
Oozing out with his leftover army,
Searching for new weak landings to conquer.
And that night, the inmates of my landing slept peacefully,
after hoisting our flag and sending out messages,
Of the Freedom from General Madness!
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