When gooseberries ripened
Last summer,
I kept wandering around
Being someone else.
Walking barefoot on grass,
Watching bumblebees
Dashing around from
Flower to flower,
I learned the summer traits.
It was different from the books
That I read lying on my stomach.
I felt like the hononary Guest
Of warm sun.
But I was in someone's robes,
Walking along the hedgerows
With rotten feelings.
It was not me,
I kept saying myself.
Days ago I had packed all
My hopes in a tainted cloth and
Had thrown it away from the bridge.
Flocks of birds mocked at me,
The current of waters called me
But I was drained out,
Carrying the burden.
And when the hummingbird
Woke me up from the reverie,
I still felt like someone else.
Distant and estranged from
Walking towards the beach,
Feeling strangled and suffocated
By the new robes,
I allowed the breeze to sneak in,
Soon did it slip away like rats
Abandoning me.
But love soon replied,
"The waves make the sea
the real sea,
Those variations
And those mood swings
Make it worthy to watch".
And I searched
And found my deserted hopes
Under the bridge,
I wore my hopes back
And made it clear that
A wallflower is more beautiful
Than a vegetable.
And the songs on hopes
of love and Goodness
Is not so worthy until
I keep my own
Songs in the playlist
With all the flaws and foibles.
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