When you have that urge, do it. I mean when you have that urge to write, write it down. Do not hold back. Paper, back of note books, mobile, let it be anything. Do not hold back. If you do not do it, there is no assurance for the return of that urge. This only occurs sometimes, or in some cases once in a blue moon. Artist for this matter, need to sharpen their ears to listen to the voice. The voice of hungry soul. The artistic pleasure that you get when you put it down in paper is really an outcome of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The euphoria that you produce through the very act belongs only to you. Nothing can stop a determined artist and the song of imagination on loop in your head. Be it five minutes or ten seconds, once it's gone, it's hard to get it back. It would sometimes take until the cows come home, so better grab it when it comes. Because your instincts and your heart are snollygosters. Even now the urgency that i experienced at the beginning of this write up is gone, but the core of thought remains as i started it. As you have completed the lion's share, the rest can happen naturally. But get it done and dusted as swiflty, because the longer it remains incomplete, the higher are the chances for it to remain the same. So paddle your own canoe as you see it and hit the sack.
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