I see coloured faces, happy faces. The faces that told the happiness of completing the school, the studies, the tiresome exams, the weekend exams, homeworks, of escaping the angry eyes of teachers. The happiness of knowing the truth that they have grown up, that they are matured enough to handle things, that they are stepping into another beautiful phase of life. This unbridled enthusiasm is a trap. The great maturing trap! Because after three or five years you will know that it was this phase, that was beautiful, less burdensome, lighter. The coloured faces and scribbled uniforms have many stories to say that the letters pop out or peep through the threads of uniform after many years. The nostalgic element is very high in this case. But the only profit that you get is the acknowledgement of what you wanted to become, that revelation you get from the tree of enlightenment made of life experiences and people. You have come all the way leaving your colourful life, to get this revelation.The culmination of the ending and beginning of phases is so emotional that you find it difficult to come out of this rain without catching a fever. Nausea ,depression, and sleepless nights are part of this natural phenomenon. The body and mind enters into a struggle with each other to cope up the situation. And when you see such coloured faces in the midst of road at a time when you are out after completing a phase of your life, your memory bank is suddenly robbed by a group of burglars and starts torturing you. They ask "do you miss me?" and comes the probable answers "Yes, a lot! Let's meet up some day?" Rewinding revising, ruminating, contemplating all these happens over a table or coffee shop or park. But the robbed memories need to be placed at the right account in the bank. A temporary solace of meeting up in a coffee shop is not enough. Acceptance, Understanding,Emotional maturity- all these are required to wrap up an important phase of your life. The body and the mind need to realise the need of the hour. Your finding of what you wanted in life and it's pursuit starts to happen only when you defeat the burglars and place the memories in the right accounts. And I believe then you can do wonders. The trap of the unbridled enthusiasm is a warning bell that the ending is very near, and now it's time for me to find the hiding place of the burglars to defeat them and place my memories in the right accounts!
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