The more you hate,the more you love.
The more you forget, the more you remember.
The more you become unearthly,the more you turn earthly.
The more you doubt, the more you start to believe.
The more you try to be material,the more you become spiritual.
The more you look into peripheral, the more you go deeper.
The more you suppress, the more you express.
The more you look forward, the more you look back.
The more you try to be lonely, the more you are surrounded.
The more you try to be concrete, the more become abstract.
The more you try to be stable,the more you go insane.
The more you fix yourself, the more you wither away.
You are a flower of contradictions drooping into lonely waters.
It's difficult to be stable, but easy to go insane.
Fix the roots and face the bloody sun.
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